Episode 11: Ruth Kudzi Interview: Developing A Coaching Mindset In Leadership

by | Apr 20, 2023

This week we’re talking to Ruth Kudzi.

Ruth is the founder of Optimus Coach Academy, has her own coaching business and is a bestselling author and podcaster.

Her goal is to help people understand themselves and live a more fulfilling life.

In this episode, we’ll share some honest and practical insights into why the modern workplace needs to embrace and create sustainable cultures around wellbeing.


  • (14:32) What do we want to change
  • (18:21) Leaders modeling wellbeing
  • (20:58) Value happiness
  • (27:40) Danger zone!
  • (32:57) Creating cultures for the future
  • (34:13) Be brave enough

Take the Aurora 360 Quiz: How Effective Is Your Company’s Wellbeing Strategy? 

Ngozi Weller

Ngozi Weller is a culture change consultant and an ICF accredited coach who helps build resilience into your business by creating psychologically safe workplaces that enable employees to thrive.

Obehi Alofoje

Obehi is a psychologist and culture change consultant who helps senior HR and business leaders reduce employee burnout, absenteeism & talent attrition through mental wellbeing strategy, training & coaching.

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