by Ngozi Weller | Jul 9, 2020 | Articles
Our latest insights PCSD- The Long Term Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic On Workplace Wellbeing by Ngozi Weller July 9, 2020 Major Cause For Concern When COVID first hit British shores and talk of a highly infectious, killer disease flooded our airwaves, I was...This final stage secures the learning and development achieved by embedding it in company policy. It ensures that employee wellbeing continues to be a priority for your business long after the project has ended, by identifying and monitoring sensible stewardship metrics.
We help you develop effective policies that establish, promote and maintain the mental health and wellbeing of your workforce and empower them to take responsibility for their own mental health and wellbeing. We provide reviews of existing policy and stewardship of its effectiveness over time.
This stage is about changing behaviours through powerful, proven coaching techniques. It is designed to have the most impact on company culture by empowering those in a position of influence to identify, normalise and manage mental health issues in the workplace.
If your company is at this stage, congratulations! Your company clearly prioritises employee welfare and is putting mental health and wellbeing at the core of its people management strategy. It is important that you continue to look for improvements and focus on closing the gaps to deliver a world-class wellbeing strategy for your organisation.
At this stage, you need to commit to a process of continuous improvement. Through a combination of interactive workshops and tailored coaching, we up-skill your managers with the practical tools and strategies required to confidently handle sensitive issues around mental health, resulting in a more resilient and happier workforce.
What do you need to do to ensure that your wellbeing strategy continues to meet your employees’ needs in the long term? Contact us for tailored guidance and to identify the next steps in your strategy development at [email protected]
This stage is designed to elicit buy-in from all employees by sharing the motivation for change, demonstrating senior management leadership and by raising awareness of mental health issues and available support.
If your company is at this stage, you have made a good start, but it is important that you develop a more comprehensive and strategic approach to employee mental wellbeing support to ensure that your efforts are truly effective. Identify what support you need and seek expert guidance to help you bridge the gap to develop a truly proactive mental health strategy that works for your company and your employees.
Review your commitment to employee mental health and wellbeing against The Aurora 6 Commitments guide. Through our talks and workshops we tackle the stigma associated with mental health problems, increase awareness of the signs and impact of poor mental health and provide appropriate training for ALL employees to enable them to talk openly about mental well being. Contact us for help and guidance on becoming a company that places good mental health and wellbeing at the core of its people management strategy at [email protected]
This stage is critical for understanding how your employees actually feel about working at your company. Where do they perceive the issues or gaps to be and what improvements do they really want to see?
If your company is at this stage, employee mental health and wellbeing need urgent attention in your workplace. The imperative for action is clearly outlined in the Deloitte report “Refreshing the case for investment”. With 1 in 4 adults in the UK now diagnosed with mental health conditions since the pandemic, it is imperative that your organisation embraces the need for a clear and comprehensive wellbeing strategy to support your employees.
Join our next Aurora workplace wellbeing roundtable. At these expert-led, free events, you will discuss topical mental health issues and learn effective wellbeing strategies to provide support for your employees in a safe and non–judgemental environment.